Everything that is born, everything that lives, will die at some point. Death is the inevitable conclusion of all life. Sooner or later, this realization catches up with all of us. So let’s talk about it! That is what author Sonja Hartwig and photographer Nora Klein do in this book. With their texts and pictures, they pose questions without the temptation to give universal answers. It seems presumptuous to want to portray, explain or understand death, but it is even more important to start a conversation about death. Everyday death, the death that most of us will die, is hardly ever mentioned in the media or in public. What does it look like, what does it feel like? What do we think and feel on the way as we approach it? The authors try to examine these questions with their texts and pictures. Just as this book is about death, it is also about life: To get closer to death, stories of lives are told. Eight people who knew they would not live much longer were accompanied intensively in their final days. They gave individual, intimate answers to the question of death – a canon that is unsparing, painful, tender, profound and life-changing. A call against speechlessness and a plea for a natural approach to the most natural thing in life.
Sonja Hartwig, Nora Klein
Wer bist du, Tod?
€ 34.00
incl. VAT plus shipping costs
18,5 × 24 cm
264 pages, 106 ills.
Texts by Sonja Hartwig
Photographs Nora Klein
Design: Hannah Feldmeier, Leipzig
Hardcover embossed with color cut
ISBN 978-3-96070-124-8
Available from end of March. Pre-orders possible.